EM technologies and Multiphysics acquisition platform for today's Energy Challenges
The latest EM Technology advances and ground-breaking Multiphysics Acquisition Platform, developed to deliver energy solutions and climate mitigation tools for today and tomorrow.
Allton is a Technology and Service company that specialises in marine subsurface Electromagnetic (EM) data acquisition and imaging for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production (E&P), CO2 Measurement Monitoring and Verification (MMV) for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), and Marine Mineral Exploration.
A competency leader in its field, Allton’s R&D Team develops new critical EM technologies to meet future energy demands and address climate mitigation challenges.
Controlled Source Electromagnetics (CSEM) is a geophysical technique used to non-invasively measure subsurface resistivity distribution. The resistivity information can be related to subsurface fluid distribution. Utilised together with seismic and other geophysical data, CSEM helps to significantly increase the likelihood of finding commercial volumes of hydrocarbons. The technology is also well-suited for CO2 reservoir characterisation, monitoring plume movement and gas saturation levels as well as exploration for marine minerals.
Allton has developed a ground-breaking Multiphysics Acquisition Platform (MAP) with specialised equipment for multiphysics acquisition and the joint deployment and recovery of both EM and seismic OBN – all without the use of ROV’s. It can be combined with the Drop & Pop vehicle (patent pending) for denser seismic sampling. The equipment size and modular containerised solution have been designed for installation on vessels of opportunity such as standard platform supply vessels.
Multiphysics Acquisition = Cost Reduction + Time Savings + More Data + Lower Carbon Footprint
Successful North Sea Test of Allton's Seismic OBN Drop & Pop Vehicle and Multiphysics (MAP) Nodes
Allton has conducted a successful operational field test survey of both its disruptive data acquisition technologies : the Drop & Pop standalone seismic OBN vehicle and the Multiphysics Acquisition Platform (MAP) node.
In late September 2024, Allton successfully conducted an operational field test survey of its seismic OBN Drop & Pop vehicles and the MAP nodes (EM + seismic OBN) data acquisition. The survey was conducted in cooperation with a North Sea operator and Seisnode.
Both ROV-free solutions were successfully deployed and recovered, and data logging of both seismic and EM data performed effectively, thereby achieving the goals of the pilot test. The seismic data from the Seisnode OBNs was logged successfully for all the nodes demonstrating good coupling to the seafloor using Allton’s Drop & Pop acquisition technology. Good quality EM and seismic data were also logged successfully from the MAP nodes.
Allton is now in the commercialisation phase after the successful operational field survey. The equipment is being fine-runed and commercial acquisition services will be available starting in Summer 2025.
The seismic OBN deployment and recovery solutions have been designed for cost-effective acquisition targeting sparse node velocity surveys and monitoring of satellite fields. The solution can be mobilised on standard platform supply vessels for deployment and recovery at speed.
November 2024

Dr. Svein Ellingsrud has retired from Allton!

After initially starting at PetroMarker (now Allton) in 2017 as Chief Technical Advisor, Svein took over as Chief Technical Officer (CTO) in 2018. He retained this important role and was simultaneously appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from 2022 to 2023 before passing the reins over to our current CEO, Aslak Myklebostad. Svein continued as CTO until the beginning of July 2024 when he reached retirement age.
As one of the Founders and Senior Vice President of EMGS, Svein was one of the pioneers in the field of applied Electromagnetics for the Oil & Gas industry.
We sincerely thank Svein for his contributions to Allton as well as the EM industry as a whole and wish him all the best for the future.
You will be missed!
July 2024
EAGE OSLO 2024 : Optimistic and Active O&G Industry
Lots of interest in Allton’s Multiphysics Solutions: Seismic OBN Drop & Pop Vehicle and the Multiphysics (EM + seismic OBN) Node
Thanks for dropping by our booth to meet with us at EAGE Oslo 2024 held at Nova Spektrum in Lillestrøm!
Ten Allton Team members from our Offices in Stavanger, Oslo and Houston as well as Ivar Gimse, Member of the Board, were present to meet, greet and discuss our innovative multiphysics acquisition technology and services.
June 2024

Rune Mittet and Anna Avdeeva's Paper Published in Geophysics

The full published version of Rune Mittet and Anna Avdeeva’s paper is now available : Gauss-Newton inversion with node-based basis functions: Application to imaging of seabed minerals in an area with rough bathymetry
Introduction and validation of a Method applied to synthetic and real electromagnetic data sets with the challenges of variable seabed depth. The real data was acquired over Mohns Ridge. A discussion is provided on the interpretation of these data for an inverse scheme using the transverse isotropy with a vertical symmetry axis approximation. Insights are provided on how to interpret inversion results in the case of marine minerals exploration which differs from a hydrocarbon exploration setting owing to the presence of vertical conductors due to the formation water circulation and vertical resistors due to volcanic intrusions.
Mittet, R., and Avdeeva, A., 2024, Gauss-Newton inversion with node-based basis functions: Application to imaging of seabed minerals in an area with rough bathymetry, Geophysics, Volume 89, Issue 1.

Use of Allton’s technology can reduce GHG emissions in the oil and gas exploration cycles, thereby playing an important role in lower carbon emission ambitions.
CSEM is also a geophysical tool which should form part of any CCS portfolio of MMV technologies. EM measurements provide relevant data to ensure CO2 remains contained in geological formations in marine environments.

Consistent use of our technology as part of your exploration and production monitoring strategy will reduce the number of non-commercial exploration and production wells.

Our CSEM technology solutions will improve return on investment by shortening the cycle time from exploration to production as well as improving recovery rates.
Use of Allton`s technology may reduce the emissions in the oil and gas exploration and production cycles, playing an important role in lower carbon emission ambitions.
Save costs
Consistent use of Allton`s technology will reduce the number of non-commercial exploration and production wells.
Higher return
Allton`s technology will improve return on investments by shortening the time cycle from exploration to production and improve recovery rates.
Our services
Meet us
Interested in the results of our recent North Sea field test?
Please contact Aslak Myklebostad or Jillian Young-Lorenz to arrange a meeting and presentation of Allton’s latest Technology updates.