Aker BP and Allton Enter into an R&D Agreement

Allton is pleased to announce the signing of an R&D Agreement with Aker BP. The two companies agree to investigate the feasibility of delivering a cost-effective Multidata Acquisition Platform (MAP).

The joint industry project aims to include development of a true multiphysics acquisition solution, with combinations of CSEM, seismic node acquisition and seabed sampling. The first step in testing of the concept will be the further development and fjord trials of the seismic node vehicle and seabed sampling solutions. 

“We are excited about this opportunity to cooperate further with Aker BP to develop a key part of our cost-effective Multidata Acquisition Platform in 2024. We anticipate this exciting new technology will have a real impact on the O&G and CCS industries.”

Aslak Myklebostad, CEO of Allton

December 2023

Deep Sea Minerals Conference in Bergen, 5 - 7 December, 2023

Bengt Larssen, Sales Manager at Shearwater, presented on behalf of Allton Multidomain CSEM seismic-steered integration to detect potential areas for seabed minerals in the North Atlantic Mohn’s Ridge, at the Deep Sea Minerals Conference held in Bergen on 5 – 7 December, 2023.

The Conference was held at the Hotel Norge by Scandic (Nedre Ole Bulls pass 4, 5012 Bergen) and Bengt’s presentation was on Day 1, Session II: Arctic Ridges.

November, 2023

David Andréis :
Petroleum Geophysics Short Course Instructor,
University of Houston

Allton’s Geoscience Manager, David Andréis (Houston office), ran a successful week-long course about CSEM and EM Methods in Exploration during the University of Houston Petroleum Geophysics – Summer 2023 Programme.

“This course gives an overview of marine CSEM and EM methods along with details on acquisition and processing of the data. Modeling and inversion are covered as well as the rock physics principles that facilitate the method. Applications through case studies of these tools are presented.”

The course participants were extremely appreciative of the depth and breadth of the subjects David covered. 

“Thank you for doing an outstanding job, especially for your first time, on this course! Your efforts have been greatly appreciated by the students and UH.”

Don Van Nieuwenhuise, Ph.D.

Instructional Full Professor

Director Petroleum Geoscience Programs

Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

University of Houston


August 2023

EAGE vienna 2023 : positive outlook for the industry

Thanks to all those who dropped by our booth at EAGE Vienna 2023 to meet, catch up or just hang out with the seven members of the Allton Team from our Stavanger, Oslo and Houston Offices.

It was great to catch up with so many of you again and share the positive vibes many expressed about the state of the industry. Lots of focus on the Energy Transition at both the Conference and Exhibition.

June, 2023

EAGE Vienna 2023
Sval Energi

G&G Project Awarded by Sval Energi

Allton has been awarded a Project by Sval Energi to evaluate CSEM data from the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

We are very pleased that Sval Energi chose Allton to undertake this work, which will utilise our in-house developed proprietary software suite for the CSEM evaluation.

May, 2023

CEO Aslak Myklebostad


Former Global Sales and Marketing Director for Allton, Aslak Myklebostad has been appointed as as its new Chief Executive Officer. He replaces Dr. Svein Ellingsrud who continues in his role as Chief Technology Officer.

I’m very pleased and honoured to represent Allton in this role. I look forward to building an even stronger Team and driving our progress forward.” 

CEO, Aslak Myklebostad 

February, 2023

Award – QC and Inversion of CSEM Data in the North Sea

Concedo awarded Allton a CSEM data QC and Inversion project from the North Sea to be completed in 2022.  Allton will utilise its newly developed proprietary software to maximise the data value for Concedo.

Allton’s state of the art inversion software will provide further insight for Concedo in a challenging interpretation area.

Dr. Svein Ellingsrud appointed as new CEO / CTO

The Allton Team and shareholders are pleased that Svein has accepted the position as new CEO in Allton. Svein is one of the inventors of offshore EM for hydrocarbon exploration and as such holds a strong background within the field with solid technical and commercial knowledge in addition to a broad network of clients and investors.

In addition to being the CEO,  Svein will be responsible for  technical development as CTO for the Company.

 “I’m excited about the challenge of taking the Company through the last phase of technical development and into a commercial operational mode.” 

CEO and CTO, Dr. Svein Ellingsrud

June, 2022

Allton have now implemented new higher accuracy CSEM software in the G&G workflow offered to clients

Allton`s software development team has done a tremendous job developing new CSEM software in record time which is now available for client work.

“We are very satisfied with the new software that supports the most common CSEM formats, and cannot wait to offer this for the reprocessing of vintage and new CSEM data.” 

CTO, Dr. Svein Ellingsrud


Norwegian Research Counsel has awarded the Group, consisting of Allton, SINTEF and Total Energies, grants to evaluate the use of Controlled Source ElectroMagnetic monitoring of CO2 storage sites

The project will assess the value of CSEM for monitoring of CO2 storage sites on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

“The awarding of this project by NRC, in cooperation with Total Energies and SINTEF, is a major milestone for Allton in developing a cost-effective and reliable CSEM monitoring solution for CO2 storage sites.” Global Sales & Marketing Director, Aslak Myklebostad

Increased Security with CSEM data for CO2 storage and monitoring

Allton with Kjetil Eide presented “Increased Security with CSEM data for CO2 storage and monitoring” at the Norwegian Energy Symposium: H2 & CCS Solution Technology.

The presentation can be found following the YouTube Link @ 2h:30min into the video.

We are proud to announce that Dr Anna Avdeeva has joined Allton as a Senior Scientist and key member of the Software Development Team.

Anna brings to the company a strong experience in inversion of electromagnetic data and software development. Anna holds a PhD in Geophysics, National University of Ireland and an MSc. (Hons) in Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

We are very pleased that Anna chose to work for Allton and be part of the software development team led by Rune Mittet working on the latest technology development within CSEM inversion.”

CTO, Dr Svein Ellingsrud

Allton has secured a CSEM reprocessing contract by Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

“We are very pleased with the CSEM reprocessing contract award by NPD. Our team will utilized the latest proprietary software developments to further enhance vintage CSEM data and deliver superior quality”. Says Sales & Marketing Director in Allton, Aslak Myklebostad.

Lundin Energy - Research & Development agreement

Allton has entered into a research and development agreement with Lundin Energy were Phase 1 is to develop new and accurate marine CSEM inversion and modelling software.
We are very pleased to receive financial and technical support from Lundin Energy during these challenging times. Lundin Energy`s support and CSEM knowledge will be very valuable during this software development phase.

First Break article: Introduction to CSEM. Kjetil Eide and Steve Carter present the latest developments in Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic

Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetics (CSEM) is the collective term for techniques that can be used to investigate the geological subsurface using electromagnetic signals gener­ ated by artificial and controllable source systems operated in a marine setting.

Use of vertical CSEM Method in prospect
de-risking. A Dry well Case Story – the Grind Prospect

Allton in cooperation with Concedo presented a Dry well Case story at the Second EAGE Marine Acquisition Workshop in Oslo.

Triumph for EM technology

Based on analysis of EM data, Concedo bravely predicted that the Grind well would be dry or, at best, a small discovery. This is now fully confirmed, which is a true victory for the use of EM.

Vil EM bestå testen?

EM-data tyder på en tørr brønn for den kommende boringen av Grind-prospektet i Norskehavet.

Innertier for EM-teknologien

Basert på analyse av EM-data gikk Concedo modig ut og spådde at Grind-brønnen ville være tørr eller eventuelt et lite funn. Nå er dette fullt ut bekreftet, noe som også er en seier for bruk av EM.